
7 Ways to Scale Your Social Media Strategy for Better Growth

7, social media, strategy

If you have a social media presence and a sound social media strategy, you’re undoubtedly aware of its excellent lead generation power. But what can you do to scale up and make your business even more profitable?

You can continue driving engagement with your followers and keeping them interested in everything you have to say. But you can’t rely only on sharing your old and new blog content and promoting your products or services. It’s simply not going to cut it.

It would be best if you found new ways to stay fresh and compelling and give your target audience some real value.

With that in mind, take a look at the top ways to dial your social media strategy up a notch and start scaling your business.

7 tips, Step Up Your Engagement Game

Many marketers have been using some cheating tactics regarding social interactions for a while now. They’ve been trying to increase their interaction numbers and make it seem as if actual conversations were taking place on their profiles when they weren’t.

Luckily, upgraded algorithms don’t allow such fake engagement tactics anymore. It’s all about real engagement now. It’s about content that’s truly interesting and drives a conversation.

To stay relevant in social media circles and drive engagement, you need to become a storyteller. You can create videos that tell your brand story in an innovative way. You can initiate fun conversations that people can’t help but join.

Whatever works best for your brand. The key is to find your unique and enticing voice and tell stories that your target audience will want to hear.

Start Working with Micro-Influencers

Working with micro-influencers can bring you more benefits in the long run than collaborating with their celebrity counterparts. They have a lower reach, but that means higher engagement.

Since they have fewer followers (which can still be a lot – from 1000 to 10000), they have much better chances of genuinely engaging people. They can also be very niche-specific.

They can help you drive real engagement for just a fraction of the cost of hiring macro-influencers or celebrities to promote your business. Many of them will even promote your brand for free access to your product without actual monetary compensation.

So, find the right micro-influencers for your business by researching hashtags, following social mentions, and checking influencer marketing platforms. Your ideal influencer may even be among your followers, so be sure to look there as well.

Create Lead Quizzes

Quizzes are another excellent way to increase engagement and generate more qualified leads. If you share exciting quizzes that people later share on their profiles, they could even go viral!

But there are several essential steps to take when you utilize a quiz builder to create an online quiz.

First, the title must be eye-catching, inviting people to engage in a fun experience. The questions should be clear, concise, and to the point. Enrich them with relevant visuals to hold people’s attention.

The results bear the most considerable significance for you because that’s what people will share on their profiles. So, make them shareworthy.

Before displaying them, use an opt-in form to ask your quiz takers for their email address in return for something of value – your eBook, discounts, coupons, freebies, etc.

If the quiz truly resonates with them and you give them an offer they can’t refuse, they’ll gladly share their information with you. You then have an opportunity to follow up and convert them.

Develop a PPC Campaign

Paid ads on social media are great for extending your reach and targeting the right kind of audience. The key is in setting the correct targeting parameters for reaching the people who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

Social media lets you set interests, hobbies, types of personality, and much more, so take those parameters to your advantage.

Make sure you keep A/B testing all your paid ads to see what works best for your business. Otherwise, you might be investing money in a campaign that doesn’t bring you any leads and ROI.

Make Your Posts Shoppable

Thanks to new shoppable features on various social networks, people can now shop directly from their news feed, without ever leaving an app.

Instagram now has a “Shop” tab in the “Explore” section, and Pinterest has “Product Pins” in the new shopping sections. These features enable people to go directly to the checkout page of a particular website and make a purchase with just a few simple clicks.

According to Pinterest, their Product Pins can increase your CTRs by 40%.

By making your social media shoppable, you can usher in lots of conversions and sales from your social profiles. You’ll simplify the buying process and start making instant sales.

Implement a Live Video Strategy

A compelling live video strategy will help you increase engagement and extend your reach organically. It will help you instantly engage your audience in an exciting and authentic way.

It’s all about making the FOMO (fear of missing out) work in your favor. When people are in the consideration stage of the buying process, they want to see more content that will address their pain points. And when you start a live video, they’re unable to resist watching.

So, harness the power of Facebook Live, IGTV, and any other platform where you can share live video. Your followers will get notifications to tune in, so you can immediately engage them.

Embrace AR Technology

AR (augmented reality) ads and apps are also great for capturing more leads and conversions. Snapchat has opened the doors, and now many other brands are following suit.

You can now use AR filters to try out a product directly from your news feed virtually. There are many AR ads that allow you to try on makeup, hats, sunglasses, see yourself in different hair colors, see your walls in different colors, and much more.

If you think AR can work for your brand, be sure to give it a try. Create AR ads that people can tap on to activate AR, and be sure to combine them with your shoppable features.

Scaling your social media strategy is now easier than ever with these simple steps. But the most important thing to remember is that your followers are humans. They’re not just numbers on your screen, so don’t treat them as such. Tap into their emotions and provide them with real value, because that’s what will help you grow your business in the long run.

Author Bio:

Angela White is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing for the consumer market in the areas of product research and marketing using quizzes and surveys. Having a knack for writing and an editorial mindset, She is an expert researcher at a brand that’s known for creating delightfully smart tools such as ProProfs Quiz Maker.

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