
Why you should change the way you think about public speaking

public speaking, you

Don’t do a presentation, instead have a conversation – the benefits of changing the way you think about public speaking

A presentation may seem one-way; however, it never really is. The audience are always responding in some way. They communicate through body language such as eye contact, expressions and gestures. They may laugh, cheer or gasp in amazement.

Many are tired of stuffy, formal presentations and it is like a breath of fresh air when a speaker just talks to them in a ‘normal’ way. It feels much better when a speaker talks to an audience rather than at them.

Why it matters

Conversations feel different from presentations because:

  • presentations can have a formal atmosphere;
  • conversations often are friendly and informal;
  • a conversational style can relax the audience;
  • rapport can be built easily with a conversational style.

What to do

Five ways to be more conversational:

  • Think of it as if it is a conversation – and you will act as if it is

The way you think affects how you come across and changes how the audience responds. That is the power of the mind. When you speak like it is a conversation, they feel as if you are relating to them more personally. Therefore, instead of being in a ‘presenting’ mindset, think as if it is a conversation.

  • Regard the audiences as if they are friends you have never met

I used to be apprehensive at the start of any training courses I was leading. I would wonder if some people would be difficult for me to manage. However, when I got to know the course participants, almost everyone always turned out to be very nice.

Then something dawned on me. Instead of waiting to find out, perhaps I could decide from the beginning that they were all nice people. Therefore, I thought of them as if they were friends I had never met. It made a huge difference to my confidence.

So think of your audience as if they are friends. It will positively change how you perceive them and also how they respond: a ‘win-win’.

  • Think of your presentation as if it is a story

Presentations can seem like an ordeal to be got through for both presenter and audience. The set of slides can seem like a set of hurdles. However, in a way, a presentation really is a story; it has a beginning, middle and end.

When you think of your presentation as a story, you will explain it better and people will absorb your message more easily.

  • Prepare good links to make it flow easily

A good conversation flows along and a presentation should do the same. The way to achieve this is to make sure you have good links between one point and the next. These links act as signposts and keep people aware of how it all fits together. People like strong links because they can follow you more easily.

  • Do not read – just talk to the audience

Do not read from a script or the slides, unless you need to quote something verbatim. Reading your presentation can make it seem stilted. People can see that you are reading, so it will come across as the opposite of conversational.

Start adopting a conversational style and your audience will enjoy your talks.

Graham Shaw is a Business Book Awards finalist and the author of The Speaker’s Coach: 60 secrets to make your talk, speech or presentation amazing, published by Pearson

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