The Ring of Blackrock, A Walking Guide and History, reviewed, a handy stocking filler

By @SimonCocking, review of The Ring of Blackrock, A Walking Guide and History by Diarmuid O Drisceoil.
Posted by The Ring of Blackrock on Thursday, November 15, 2018
The Ring of Blackrock, A Walking Guide and History, reviewed
As Cork continues to boom with more high tech companies choosing to locate there it is always interesting to get a better sense of it’s history and what used to be there too. Much like Dublin and the tram that went out to Howth Summit, so too was Blackrock of Cork linked to the city by a tramline too. Wouldn’t it be great if it was once more too. In many ways it is an illustration of how we often take one step forwards and two backwards.
A glimpse here of what's in the book
Posted by The Ring of Blackrock on Wednesday, November 14, 2018
O Drisceoil’s book is a labour of love, but fortunately he also has strong material to work with here. As more and more people recognise the appeal of moving to ‘The People’s Republic’ of Cork for better quality of life and work / life balance this book offers a treasure box of interesting places to discover. While Young Offenders may be showcasing the humour of the area, this book offers you some beauty and history to dig into as well.
Still a great place 100 years on! Read all about Blackrock in The Ring of Blackrock: A Walking Guide & History. On sale again at €20.
— The Ring of Blackrock (@RingBlackrock) December 4, 2019
For those of you struggling to find something relevant for the hard to please Christmas gift recipient this book could be a useful little stocking filler. With no website or Amazon options to purchase the book, even buying it may feel like a bit of an old school exercise in of itself, but below they have helpfully tweeted out some options for how you can get hold of the last few copies of the book. Catch it if you can…
Available to buy here ->
The last copies of the final print are now available in Charlie Murphy's Circle K on Blackrock Rd, Natural Foods Bakery in Blackrock, Scally's Supervalu on Skehard Rd, Nano Nagle Place and in Waterstones.#ChristmasCountdown #localhistory #loveCork
— The Ring of Blackrock (@RingBlackrock) December 2, 2019
See more book reviews here.
Great photo, great enhancement. Well done.
— The Ring of Blackrock (@RingBlackrock) November 16, 2019
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